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Fons Vernooij

Research: Publications in English / German

Authors: Fons Vernooij and others

Research interests

My research interests are about:
  • the use of new media in education;
  • a systematic approach to solving accounting problems;
  • dimensional analysis of economic quantities.
Publications with the symbol PDF are downloadable in PDF.

See as well: Publications in Dutch
Abstracts of some key publications can be found on the homepage of the project In Casa

Key publications

  1. PDF  Accelerating Learning through Gaming? Lessons from Interactive and Online Gaming in Business and Business Education.
    Thijssen, J.P.T., Vernooij, A.T.J. & Stein, P. (2008)
    In The Power of Technology for Learning. Advances in Business Education 1. Eds. Barsky, N.P., Clements, M., Ravn, and K.Smith. Dordrecht: Springer pp. 25-41.
  2. PDF  Social Entrepreneurship and Cultural Change. The relevance of a public sector experiment for innovative education.
    Thijssen, J.P.T. & Vernooij, A.T.J. (2007) In Educational Innovation in Economics and Business X, The Challenges of Educating People to Lead in a Challenging World Eds. McCuddy, M., Van den Bosch, H., Martz, B., Matveev, A. & Morse K. Dordrecht: Springer pp. 555-580.
  3. PDF   Breaking the boundaries between academic degrees and life long learning
    Thijssen, J.P.T., and Vernooij A.T.J. (2004).
    In: Educational Innovation in Economics and Business IX: Breaking Boundaries for Global Learning. (ed. Richard G. Milter, Valerie S. Perotti and Mien S.R. Segers). Dordrecht / Berlin / Heidelberg / New York: Springer.
  4. PDF   Learning by sharing
    Thomas Thijssen, Rik Maes, and Fons Vernooij. (2002).
    In: Educational Innovation in Economics and Business VI: Teaching Today the Knowledge of Tomorrow (ed. Tor A. Johannessen, Ansgar Pedersen, Kurt Petersen). Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  5. PDF   New media and their role in education
    Fons Vernooij, Thomas Thijssen en Remko Schermerhorn. (2001). Paper at the 8th Edineb International Conference in Nice. The theme of the Conference was: Technology, Pedagogy and Innovation.

  6. New learning in Social Studies
    Ten Dam, Geert, Vernooij, Fons, and Volman, Monique. (2000).
    In: New Learning. (ed. Robert-Jan Simons, Jos van der Linden and Tom Duffy). ICO. Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  7. PDF  Tracking the knowledge structure of students
    Vernooij, A.T.J. (2000).
    In: Educational Innovation in Economics and Business V: Business Education for the Changing Workplace (ed. Lex Borghans, Wim H. Gijselaers, Richard G. Milter and John E. Stinson). Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  8. PDF  Problem Solving in Management Accounting
    Fons Vernooij (1995). Economia, The Journal of the Association of European Economics Education. Volume 5, Part 1, Summer 1995.
    Herdruk in Zuid Afrika: (1995). Ekonomie, Tijdskrif vir onderwijsers van die Ekonomiese Wetenskappe.
  9. PDF  Problem solving strategies
    Vernooij, A.T.J. (1995).
    In: Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Administration: The Case of Problem-Based Learning (ed. Wim Gijselaers). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  10. PDF   The use of spreadsheets in business education
    Fons Vernooij & Eric Visch (1994a). Economia, The Journal of the Association of European Economics Education. Volume 4, Part 1, Summer 1994.
  11. PDF  Conceptual change in Accounting Education
    Essential part of the dissertation of A.T.J. Vernooij.
    Presented September 1993 at he Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
  12. PDF  Summary of the dissertation of Fons Vernooij
    Secondary Education and the art of problem solving in Management Accounting
    Presented September 1993 at he Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
  13. A systematic problem approach in business administration: A methodology to make knowledge explicit for Computer Assisted Instruction.
    Vernooij, A.T.J. (1990).
    In: J.M. Pieters, K. Breuer, & P.R.J. Simons (Eds.) Learning Environments, Contributions from Dutch and German Research. Berlijn: Springer Verlag.
  14. PDF   Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher fachlicher Strukturen auf die Entwicklung mentaler Repräsentationen. Teil 1.
    PDF   Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher fachlicher Strukturen auf die Entwicklung mentaler Repräsentationen. Teil 2.
    Vernooij, A.T.J. (1996).
    Rechnungswesenunterricht und oekonomisches Denken. Didactische Innovationen fur die kaufännische Ausbildung, P. Preiss und T. Tramm. Wiesbaden: Gabler GmbH.

Paper presentations

  1. PDF   New media and their role in education
    Fons Vernooij, Thomas Thijssen en Remko Schermerhorn. (2001). Paper at the 8th Edineb International Conference in Nice. The theme of the Conference was: Technology, Pedagogy and Innovation.
    An elaborate abstract is to be found at www.incasa.nl.
  2. PDF   New media and the role of teachers
    A report on new practices at the Johan Cruyff University
    Fons Vernooij. (2001). Paper at the 8th Edineb International Conference in Nice. The theme of the Conference was: Technology, Pedagogy and Innovation.
    An elaborate abstract is to be found at www.incasa.nl.
  3. PDF   Spreadsheets as a medium to conceptualize mental models
    Fons Vernooij & Eric Visch. (1994b). Presented for Economia, but replaced by Problem Solving in Management Accounting.
  4. In-Casa: Innovation In Computer Assisted Study Anywhere
    A.T.J. Vernooij, J.P.J. Thijssen, & R.H. Schermerhorn.(21 June 2000).
    Paper for the 7th Annual EDINEB International Conference in Newport Beach, California, USA.
  5. A swot-analysis of 'Trade Company'. The educational structure of a management game A.T.J. Vernooij (1999). Paper for the 6th Annual EDINEB International Conference in Bergen, Norway.
  6. Tracking the knowledge structure of students
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1998). Paper for the 5th Annual conference of Edineb in Cleveland, Ohio.
  7. The complexity of simple concepts
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1998). Workshop at the 5th Annual conference of Edineb in Cleveland, Ohio.
  8. Concept building in business education
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1997). Paper for the 4th Annual conference of Edineb in Edinburgh, Schotland.
  9. The complexity of simple concepts
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1996). Workshop for the Association of European Economics Education in Cork, Ierland.
  10. Dimensional analysis as a generic skill
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1995). Paper for the 6th EARLI Conference, Nijmegen, Holland.
  11. Student's perception of commercial problems
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1993). Paper for the 5th EARLI Conference in Aix en Provence.
  12. PDF   Spreadsheets as a medium to conceptualize mental models
    A.T.J. Vernooij (1993). Paper for the 5th EARLI Conference in Aix en Provence.
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